Thursday, November 18, 2010

Harry Potter Mania

Dodge & Vega kicked off the Holiday Season with a private showing of the new Harry Potter movie Thursday night for 500 of their closest friends.

Their guests packed into 2 theaters in anticipation of the new movie. Bacho and Ben held a raffle to help them show their
appreciation to their clients and friends. Winners received gift cards and Ipods.

What a great night to see familiar faces and meet new friends.

Thank you to all who attended.

It was a wonderful night!


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Bacho and Ben recently competed in their first IRONMAN competition.
They trained for many months and the training finally paid off.
They both danced across the finish line with energy to spare.
Way to go guys!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lake Havasu Triathlon

Dodge and Vega recently spent the weekend with a wonderful group of youth triathletes.
The firm had the opportunity to sponsor 12 young people in an Olympic Triathlon. These young men and young women put their heart and souls into training and each of them finished with a smile.
What a privilege to spend time with young people that have goals and the drive to accomplish their goals.